Drinking water UV lamps

Drinking water UV lamps

UV water disinfector bulbs. Philips brand products stand out for high quality. Used when there are problems of bacteriological water purity or when these's no certainty about the absence of bacteria.

Certified and safe, Philips offers high, medium and low pressure UV bulbs. Generally found in low pressure assets, Philips UV bulbs can have various types of heads, the most common are G5 heads, 2+2 pins or T5 with 4 pins on a side. Philips brand products always meet high quality standards.

There's no kind of contraindication for excessive use.

If used with sufficiently clear water and selected accordig to the flow rate, UV lamps have a high capacity to reduce bacterial charge, which in their absence can double every 30 minutes.

Their use in a UV sterilizer is suitable near the point of use to prevent new forms of bacterial charge during the water course, possibly after filter cartridges capable of removing turbidity at the water, so that UV rays can propagate more easily and perform their function more effectively.