Water Pro Filters

Water Pro Filters

WATER PRO GWS filters with pre coat technology compatible with Everpure systems.

Certified in compliance with Italian ministerial decree 174-2004 and 25-2012.

Prices always increasing due to the reinforcement of the dollar and policies of production companies have led many professional and technicians to look for an alternative product.

The simplicity of a carbon block put inside a plastic vessel cannot be compared with pre-coat technology. The carbon block under 5 microns tend to be quickly obstructed. We had two possible ways: increase the filtration microns and keep declaring that the filtration was 0.5 microns, or embrace the choice of a serious technology that could guarantee a copious flow without risk of obstruction. That is how Water Pro was born, with activated silver ion carbon powder on a fine REAL 0.5 micron membrane.

We choose to simplify the product choice with two filters that can cover the range of Everpure filters AC, 2DC, 4C and 4DC with highly competitive prices.

Filtro Water Pro HF11
10.000 litri d´acqua trattata, carbon block e membrane cave.Filtro per il trattamento dell´acqua potabile, basato sulla tecnologia Carbon Block estruso con membrane cave in uscita. Grado di filtrazione meccanica 0.1 micron.Carbone impregnato di ioni d´argento con funzione batteriostatica.Il filtro è prodotto in Italia e segue totalmente i requisiti di legge.E´ conforme al Dm 174, ossia non vi è migrazione specifica nell´acqua destinata al consumo umano.E´ conforme al Dm 25, ossia le prestazioni dichiarate sono tutte supportate da analisi presso laboratori riconosciuti dal Ministero della Salute.