Water Pro Filters
There are 23 products.
Water Pro AG03 Filter
Water Pro AG 03 filter
3,000 liters of treated water, bacteriostatic filter with Silver ions
Water Pro AG 03 filter for the treatment of [...]
3,000 liters of treated water, bacteriostatic filter with Silver ions
Water Pro AG 03 filter for the treatment of [...]
Water Pro AG 11 Filter
Water Pro AG 11 filter
11,000 liters of treated water, bacteriostatic filter with Silver ions
Water Pro AG 11 filter for the [...]
11,000 liters of treated water, bacteriostatic filter with Silver ions
Water Pro AG 11 filter for the [...]
Water Pro AG 32 Filter
Water Pro AG 32 filter
32,000 liters of treated water, bacteriostatic filter with Silver ions
Water Pro AG 32 filter for the treatment of [...]
32,000 liters of treated water, bacteriostatic filter with Silver ions
Water Pro AG 32 filter for the treatment of [...]
WaterPro CB03
Water Pro CB03 filter
15,000 liters of treated water, bacteriostatic filter with Silver ions
Water Pro CB03 filter for the treatment of [...]
15,000 liters of treated water, bacteriostatic filter with Silver ions
Water Pro CB03 filter for the treatment of [...]
WaterPro CB11
Water Pro CB11 filter
25.000 liters of treated water, bacteriostatic filter with Silver ions
Water Pro CB11 filter for the [...]
25.000 liters of treated water, bacteriostatic filter with Silver ions
Water Pro CB11 filter for the [...]
WaterPro CB32
Water Pro CB32 filter
45.000 liters of treated water, bacteriostatic filter with Silver ions
Water Pro CB32 filter for the treatment of [...]
45.000 liters of treated water, bacteriostatic filter with Silver ions
Water Pro CB32 filter for the treatment of [...]
WaterPro HF3
Water Pro HF03 filter
5.000 liters of treated water, carbon block and hollow fiber membrane
Filter for the treatment of drinking water, [...]
5.000 liters of treated water, carbon block and hollow fiber membrane
Filter for the treatment of drinking water, [...]
Filtro Water Pro HF11
10.000 litri d´acqua trattata, carbon block e membrane cave.Filtro per il trattamento dell´acqua potabile, basato sulla tecnologia Carbon Block estruso con membrane cave in uscita. Grado di filtrazione meccanica 0.1 micron.Carbone impregnato di ioni d´argento con funzione batteriostatica.Il filtro è prodotto in Italia e segue totalmente i requisiti di legge.E´ conforme al Dm 174, ossia non vi è migrazione specifica nell´acqua destinata al consumo umano.E´ conforme al Dm 25, ossia le prestazioni dichiarate sono tutte supportate da analisi presso laboratori riconosciuti dal Ministero della Salute.
WaterPro SD03
Water Pro SD03 Water Filter
Bacteriostatic filter with zinc ions
Filter for the treatment of drinking water, based on sediment technology with polypropylene filter [...]
Bacteriostatic filter with zinc ions
Filter for the treatment of drinking water, based on sediment technology with polypropylene filter [...]
WaterPro SD11
Water Pro SD11 Water Filter
Bacteriostatic filter with zinc ions
Filter for the treatment of drinking water, based on sediment technology with polypropylene [...]
Bacteriostatic filter with zinc ions
Filter for the treatment of drinking water, based on sediment technology with polypropylene [...]
WaterPro NS03
Water Pro NS03 Filter
Cartridge for the treatment of drinking water. They are weak saturated and spent ion exchange resins.
Impregnated with zinc ions.
The [...]
Cartridge for the treatment of drinking water. They are weak saturated and spent ion exchange resins.
Impregnated with zinc ions.
The [...]
WaterPro NS11
Water Pro NS11 Filter
Cartridge for the treatment of drinking water. They are weak saturated and spent ion exchange resins.
Impregnated with zinc ions.
The [...]
Cartridge for the treatment of drinking water. They are weak saturated and spent ion exchange resins.
Impregnated with zinc ions.
The [...]